To dedicate our energies and resources to providing students the best education within a nurturing and safe school environment.
To excel as an organization for learning.
Each individual deserves to learn and succeed. Every individual deserves to be treated with dignity, honesty, and respect. A positive self- esteem is fundamental to a child’s success. A quality education is fundamental for our students’ success in life. Every employee is vital to the success of our school system.
Board of Education Information
The Board consists of five citizens, elected by nonpartisan ballot, each serving a four-year term. Members are elected during odd-numbered years. To preserve Board continuity, terms are staggered.
Champion Board of Education
5976 Mahoning Ave. NW
Warren, Ohio 44483
(330) 847-2330 x1 (Superintendent's Office)
(330) 847-2330 x 2 (Treasurer's Office)
John Grabowski (Superintendent)
Laurena Rouan (Treasurer)
Functions of the Board
- To serve as the school's direct policy making body.
- To hire and direct the Treasurer as chief of finance.
- To approve a superintendent of schools and vest such powers in the superintendent as may be legally delegated.
- To evaluate the Superintendent and Treasurer as directed by Ohio law.
- To consider, approve or reject policies and personnel as recommended by the Superintendent.
- To accept a balanced annual budget as presented by the Treasurer.
- To levy taxes if and when the budget cannot be balanced and meet the needs of the students.
- At all times the Board of Education remains responsible to the community and students of Champion Schools.
Board of Education Meetings
The Board meets at least once a month, year round. Regular meetings are generally held at 5:30 p.m. on the third Monday of the month in the PK8 Cafetorium. Additional special meetings are held as needed. The dates, times and locations of Board meetings are always available by calling the Superintendent's office. By Ohio law all Board meetings must be held in public.
Executive Sessions: The Board, under Ohio law, may hold executive sessions during its meetings to discuss personnel matters, purchase of property for public purposes, pending or imminent court actions, negotiations with employees, matters to be kept confidential by federal law or state statutes and specialized details of security arrangements. Executive sessions are for discussion only. Any action must be done in open meetings.
2025 Public Meeting Dates for Champion Board of Education
Monday, January 6, 2025 at 5:30pm
Monday, January 27, 2025 at 5:30pm
Monday, February 24, 2025 at 5:30pm
Monday March 17, 2025 at 5:30pm
Monday April 14, 2025 at 5:30pm
Monday May 19, 2025 at 5:30pm
*Thursday, June 26, 2025 at 5:00pm
Monday July 21, 2025 at 5:30pm
Monday August 18, 2025 at 5:30pm
Monday, September 15, 2025 at 5:30pm
Monday, October 20, 2025 at 5:30pm
Monday, November 10, 2025 5:30pm
Monday, December 15, 2025 5:30pm
*Adjusted due to Fiscal year-end
Note: Special meeting dates and times will be posted on the District Webpage, and in the Warren Tribune (Tribune Chronicle) as required by Ohio Revised Code.
Usual Order of Business During a Board of Ed. Meeting
1. Call to order: Roll Call
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Communications from public on agenda items (not to exceed 15 minutes).
4. District Highlights
5. Approval of Minutes of Preceding Meeting (s).
6. Business of Treasurer
7. Business of Superintendent
8. Discussion items
9. Communications from public-A second session for public communication on non agenda items is set aside at the end of the meeting if time allows.
10. Executive Session, when needed.
11. Adjournment
Procedure for Speaking at Board Meetings
- Visitors are asked to sign in on the visitors' sheet at the door, along with picking up an agenda.
- Under Ohio Law communication from the public is at the discretion of the BOE. Visitors are given an opportunity under "Communications from the public on agenda items" to address the Board on these items only at this time. The BOE has set a 3 minute time limit for anyone addressing the Board of Education. Each person who wishes to speak at the meeting must first be recognized by the Board President.
- The person speaking is asked to identify him/herself and briefly address the Board. The Board President may limit the time for presentation, and if there are numerous requests to address the Board on the same subject, the President may select representatives to speak on each side of the issue.
- If you wish to be placed on the agenda for an issue that is not on the agenda, you must contact the superintendent in writing one week prior to the meeting and ask to be placed on the agenda to address the Board.
- The Board will not hear personal complaints against school personnel or any person connected with the school district. The BOE cannot discuss and will not hear any item covered under a negotiated contract.
- The Board shall make every effort to answer public questions. If that is not possible, the appropriate person shall respond to the questions in a timely manner.
Champion Board of Education Dialogue Forums
Every year, the Champion Board of Education conducts two dialogue forums. The forums are one way the Board of Education gathers community input on school matters.
Board dialogue sessions are held with:
- High School students
- 8th Grade Students
In addition, the Superintendent with each Building Principal conducts a "coffee with parents" session every year.